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To blog or not too blog... That is the question

To blog or not too blog... That is the question

Alright everyone , to assist in keeping everyone updated on all media platforms, we have started our official blog. Our plans is to  link our social media activity here , like our now infamous late night ' Look what just landed ' live Facebook videos hehe ( thanks for all the support everyone ) 

Additonally , any updates regarding changes to the website or our retail store , we plan to have them updated on our blog as well. It sure is a lot of work but we know our customers are WELL WORTH IT ! 


SO stay tuned for more blog posts . Additionally, if your an email subscriber and have been wondering just what exactly is this ' news letter ' you signed up to receive? Blog posts are just one small part of those emails that should be up and running soon . 


Thanks for everyone's support !

Happy Shopping 

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